" In this course, we'll be discussing more about the disc profile programming protocols. And more specifically, we're going to talk about what is an S trait. And so the reason why we dive into this, it's because we use this profiling here at our master MSP our technology and chart tech, our international company. But because we use these, we have a really unique perspective. And having done this for more than 10 years, we're well acquainted with knowing what to do and what not to do. And most of those lessons are going to come out and how we explain how to look at these things as time progresses. Now we would discuss what a behavioral trait in s means it specifically means steadiness. The steadiness behavioral trait is something that sounds unusual steadiness. How can steadiness really be a trait? Let me explain. steadiness is something that we experience in a multitude of different ways. I will tell you that as this progresses, but you're also going to experience sadness and in ways that you hadn't thought of before, you're going to find it in different roles inside of your business. And the goal from this is to find ways to understand what to know about this behavioral trait. How does a steadiness factor play a benefit to your environment? an unmet understandably will find different ways to prepare for steadiness and environment. If you're a manager of a person that has a high steadiness score, what does that mean? What do I need to be mindful of, because what we can do is, we can find better ways to be a respecter of these individuals, because that is a very big currency, to their existence, respect. And because of that, we need to find ways to consider what their behavioral trait contributes. But also be mindful of what warning signs to look for in the event that you might have somebody who has a steadiness factor in distress. Let's dive into that. Now, a common question I get asked from individuals who have never done profiling, or they've done it kind of radically over the years, is why do I even bother? I mean, why should I care about doing a disc profile, when in fact, there's all these other types of assessments out there? Well, in fact, there's a reason. See, all those other assessments are geared towards finding new ways to sell you things. And specifically, we've talked about how to do more with this assessment, it comes down to understanding a very unique dichotomy, a duality, and people as it were, see, individuals have this unique aspect of ourselves, I do it you do it in my camera guy does it is that we have this part of ourselves that we share, when we're around people, we're giving a piece of ourselves away, we feel confident, we give that part of ourselves up, we share it openly. But there's also this other part of us, there's a part of us that we hold back out of necessity, we share what we want to but we hold back what we need to. And because there is this unique duality to an individual. By understanding what's in a profile, you can kind of expose this dichotomy for what it is and being able to identify how to find ways of respecting an individual how to open a dialog. Also, there's chances where we may need to find ways of having a consequential conversation. And this can help you do that. Because any relationship with an individual should carry a component of respect and also carry component of consideration. When it comes to understanding a steadiness behavioral trait, it's important to know that disc also creates a people dialogue. Now, every disc behavioral trait from the D dominance I influence now steadiness s, has its unique characteristics when it comes to people dialogue. Now specifically, we look for very unique traits. And S is like I said, from the beginning, an S has a unique carrier of respect that comes with it. And there's a reason for that, we will find traits like being worrisome being cautious. Now, you might see those as being negative, when in fact, would you want somebody in a position of accounting auditing that was worrisome? cautious, more than likely so? But would you want your outside salesperson to be that? Probably not, which goes to show you very simply that every behavioral trait has a unique fit inside of organization. Moreover, instead of a specific role, and we compare these things, we have greater success, what we don't care. We're just hoping, and I'm telling you hope is not a strategy when it comes to people. Now, other traits, we're going to look for slow, complacent, anguish, now, you're hearing these things going down. This doesn't sound good. Well, you got to look at it like this. These are traits that are going to be a carrying component of an essay, you're going also going to find continuity, personal ability, dedication, your highest steadiness is simply an individual who applies measurable steadiness, the higher that their value goes up inside the report. Anything 50% and above is going to be more absolute steadiness, you'll see it as a tenable part of their contribution. You'll be able to tell it, see it, feel it, experience it. For those individuals who are 50% and lower. It's subjective. behavior, meaning it might come out it might not. But moreover, when you think about this, when you think about wordiness, steadiness, anguish, you're looking at a person who's very careful and cautious, and careful and cautious, as I said before, has place perfectly in certain environments. Specifically, a lot of my network engineers, my cyber security engineer has a high steadiness factor, which means this person's not going to be willy nilly, not going to throw spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks when it comes to something as important as network security. Moreover, they're not going to be flipped about how they use rules or process because they understand that how they work is a part of the trademark. Now, the other thing about a high s is that they're going to be very exacting in what they do. They want to do things for a reason. People with a high steadiness factor, are very keen on making sure that if they do something, they do it for a purpose. Now, if you think about this, think about the words thing about cautious, reserved, deliberate, slow, does that sound like a person who can change very easily? And that's a unique trait. Those with high steadiness are those individuals who do not change easily, they change very slow. But in order to find change with an individual with high steadiness, you simply have to make sure that you're finding out what the benefit for them is. Run the change by them. If you have a process or protocol shift around somebody in accounting, and you don't work in their department, they're going to take a changes on the front. What have I done wrong when a hi steadiness goes into what I've done? What is happening with me? How did I not know? Why are you not telling me? It's their uniquely selfish way of saying, what are you doing this to me because they see any change that's not run through them as disrespectful as an affront, as a challenge, and high steadiness individuals, they lock up. If they don't believe in a change, they'll simply fold their arms and say, I'm not gonna, they're like the dog, you have to drag him to the vet for that special appointment of a certain age. And the dogs like I'm not doing it, I'm not doing it. That's a person of steadiness, they're simply kicking against change because they didn't have a hand in doing it. Now, if there's a time or situation where you need to bring in a person to help drive change, we get that. But there are individuals in your environment, that high steadiness that need to make sure that change is validated through them. And even though they may not have a hand in doing the minutia, they see respect is being one of consideration. honor me enough to ask, honor me enough to invite the other people who also get most easily slighted in the workplace or those with high steadiness, those with high compliance. These are individuals that if they see the same team members going out to lunch with the boss, they're gonna look at themselves and go, why not me? Why don't I get to go. And there's nothing worse than feeling like you have hurt feelings or somebody who is set apart or left out. And high steadiness individuals are those people who have that trait. Some have done well to manage it, some are still learning. But if you know what to expect, you can hedge against this when you think about your people dialogue. So let's dive into how disk is creating a daily language because when it comes to the high steadiness, the people with a steadiness behavioral trait, as I mentioned, throughout this, they have a unique way a very unique way on how they see the world but also unique way and how they communicate as well. Specifically when it comes down to engaging a high steadiness individual person with a high s factor be honest, they can spot for lack of a better way say it bs a mile off. They can literally see through the facade of an individual who's coming in say, Hey, buddy, good to see you. Hey, we all have that person in the office. Hey, buddy, how you doin? Hey, buddy, Hey, buddy, and you're sitting there going? Stop. I haven't had my coffee yet, right? But there are some S's in the environment that when they hear this they go it's because they can feel it. They can feel the facade of the nonsensical language. And I'll put although the person saying it may be absolutely real in their intent. Hi, ss look for this wavelength and conversation. They look for this substance, this this way of saying things. Yes, high steadiness individuals like to have conversation that is more deliberate. Specifically, if you're, if you're actually watching how I'm discussing this part of the course with you. I'm slowing down for a reason. Because high SS do not like fast speech. They don't also like to feel like they're being paternalist either. And high SS can identify if somebody is being paternalistic, if somebody is being obtuse, so it sounds like you're probably thinking, Man, this this person sounds just great to have around. I can't have a whole house full of people that are high SS. Because everything has a teeny mix. Your SS found in engineers techs and some of your accounting personnel, creatives inside your marketing environment. These are people who take their work seriously. So when you see them say be honest, that's what they need. Give me my feedback, give me my criticism, but they're not telling you to ruin me. So if you have to provide criticism to a highest have an example don't speak hyperbolically don't say all the work you've ever done sucked I don't care if it's the truth don't do that. Show them this part that you did was not good this what I didn't like this color, this font this whatever this how you reply to the ticket, be articulate with your criticism and it'll go a lot farther to remediating her feelings it'll be more tuned in to thing the other thing about it is high SS need is take your time Don't rush through things don't don't just start halfway through the conversation don't give me bullet points Give me the story. See high D's and highs love bullet points. Love bullet points on it. I know cuz I'm high D. But SS don't like bullet points because they miss all the minutiae. The SS are looking for the minor shooter. If you tried giving my cybersecurity engineer Travis if you tried giving him bullet point saying, hey, got a Wi Fi thing down? think there's a blue screen on something and something's got ransomware on it. Good luck, bro. That's, that's not gonna work for Travis. he'll sit there and go Okay, wait, give me more information. What are we talking about? Because to him, he wants to be surgically precise. That's as part of his HIE s coming out wants to be accurate the first time one thing SS don't like to do is do a job twice. And if you're listening to this, you're gonna identify with that you might have a little less characteristic with you. But this is how this creates this unique people dialog and this daily dialogue we can use every single day. In discussing more about this s behavioral trait, we look more into how disk creates dimension to behavior. Now Moreover, when we talk about disc profiling and behavior traits, it can be a little white noise ish, right? Specifically, what I'm talking about here is that there are certain types of behaviors that when they're combined, they create thinkers and others that create doers and drivers. Specifically with the S behavioral trait, when you pair this with the C compliance behavioral trait, you have a thinker you have a critical thinker. And if you think about this, your best engineers Tech's are going to have this s&c characteristic combined, your greatest Dewar's your drivers, your chief executive, your director of sales, your director of marketing will be the drivers. But let's take marketing for a circumstance here. In my marketing, division, we have individuals who are across the board, but I have a director of marketing, that's an ID, driving, focused, driven, progress oriented, outcome oriented. And she has built herself a team with human resources, of course, to have individuals who are thinkers, intellectuals, creatives, that are also mindful of timeframes, milestones, expectations output client needs. And that's what I would call a unique symbiosis between those who are driving and those who are thinking. Another way to put it is, Emily is driving the car while her team is holding the map. And that's a good place to be. And that's how dimension behavior plays a part. And if you can just look at it as simply as that which people are holding the wheel on which people are holding the map, it'll help you better understand how to articulate this specific attribute inside your business. And now that we've learned more details about this s behavioral trait, the steadiness behavioral trait, let's dive into some common questions that I get. So that way, you can have some more unique answers about how to look at this behavioral trait. So the first thing that comes up is can a person learn how to be more steady? And so the short answer is, yes, a person can learn it. And frankly, we are the greatest drivers of our own change. If we see a need to change we will, I see change very quickly in sales people, if they get a big commission check and they buy themselves a new Bentley or something, they'll I'll see how they're changing very quickly, there'll be more dominant, more open, more gregarious, more driven, because now they're seeing the tenable outcome of their effort. But there are individuals who change slowly. And as I made mention of before, people with steadiness don't change easily they change slowly. For for reference, we've had a few employees who have changed over the course of their career here. But it took them know what, two years three years to increase their amount of steadiness for a tech job or decrease it for a more public facing job. And that came with being more open more flexible, because there's a unique little hidden characteristic of an S factor. The steadiness factor is that the lower the S factor, the more flexible the person is, the higher the S factor, the more rigid they are. And so naturally, if you find individuals who have a spirit of I want to be careful I want to be cautious, I want to be reserved. But there's another part of them says, Well, I want to try new things, their conflict with themselves, which means they're in a change modality. They want to figure out which direction they're going with good direction, good leadership, you might be able to help them figure that out with one on ones with dialogue, you can figure out whether they're looking to change careers are whether they're looking to find the existence elsewhere, and all that information is useful. Now, another thing to be mindful of is, how does somebody experience steadiness? Well, it's not as obvious as high influence or high dominance, of course, but you'll experience steadiness in how you see people react to things, it's all about the reaction, where the high diesen eyes are very proactive, the the SS and C's are very reactive. They're not going to go out and find things they will they will not discover things on their own. They'll be handed information, handed tasks, handed milestones. So if you're looking for how do I spot those individuals who are high steadiness in my environment, look for those people who are always looking to be fed. Here's a milestone, here's a goal, high steadiness individuals will not speak up for themselves and ask for a raise, they will wait, they'll work on for year over year over year, they'll work in quiet agony, thinking that they're worth more, but they just don't open a dialog because to them, kind of the greatest mistake they make with individuals is thinking that other people should know better. And so be mindful, watch these individuals who Don't move, don't change. If you have a career level one Tech has been a career level one tech for 15 years, there's probably a very high steadiness factor there. But the environment also allows that steadiness factor as well. Alex is very bold here, a lot of people champion him for and I do too, we openly admit, we do not want career level ones here, if you want to be that, try city government, try a government job. But here, you're given permission, and boldly given the expectation to change to evolve. And that's what we see here. So it's possible to experience this differently. But that's how you're going to see that. Now, another question I commonly get is, where do we find these eyes? Or Sydney? And where do we either find these S's, right? We're going to find it text, you're going to find it in accounting individuals are going to find it and a lot of administrative or reactive positions. Not going to find it in sales very much. The only place you might find it in the sales, if you did would be a technical sales engineer, somebody who is common and looking at the rubric, the details, the minutiae, and trying to find a way of fitting environments into that, or vice versa, fitting the minutiae into an environment. That's really the only place you're going to see it, though. You'll find it in your knock your text, of course, you're going to find it your marketing environment. Remember, look for your thinkers told you before dimension behavior, look for your thinkers, and that's where you'll find your highest. Now, last thing to think about is how do we respect the highest? Well, if you've been taking notes of this whole thing, you're probably thinking man, he's so sound like trouble? Well, I can, I can get that. In fact, it's more like this. Ss need to be seen as this thing, that they're a part of a big machine. And they're just a cog, surprise them, have one on ones with these SS. If you're not having weekly one on ones with your staff, just to check in how they're doing one on one should not really be about but chewing, they shouldn't be always about consequences should be about support. How's it going? What do you watch on Netflix last night? What do you got going this weekend? What do you need from your job, it might need some help, you know, opening a dialogue for 10 minutes. But the idea is that SS will commonly just withdraw, they'll become reclusive, they'll come in on time, they'll leave on time, that might take a day off once in a while. But they're, they're these subtle workaholics that are just existing. And so the best thing you can do, to respect an S is to open a dialogue and be consistent. Consistency is the key to respect with the highest. When you start being all over the place. When you start being erratic with an S they lose respect for you. Because in their world, they've got their stuff handled. They have their world it's structured, it's set at schedule. When random comes their way, they start identifying which people feed them the most random. And they start looking at that as a sense of respect or lack thereof. And that's what we talk about when we think about all these things and figuring out how we can ask more information and details about this behavioral trade. Now, while talking about this s behavioral trait, we also need to make sure that we're looking at a worthwhile results. And that's what this is about. If you're doing dis profiling, wonderful. Make sure that the individuals or the companies that you're getting this from are finding verified results that are compliant with all state and federal laws. It's not that difficult. But every year I see that there's at least 50 to 100 new providers that are simply just speculators getting in between you and the science trying to find a way at margin money. Really, when it comes down to it find a credible source we have disc profiling for our members have done it for more than 10 years. But it also makes sure that this is a common attribute to your success throughout the course of your environments, lifespan. And so past this another thing to remember is to develop your people is one of the greatest ways to find respect, but also to proffer spirit of development. And that's a good place to be. Because at the end of the day, all this work, all this understanding even the time you spend in these courses, is helped to help you drive towards accessing the best software in the world, which is our brains, our heads. And when you can do this, you end up with a greater sense of respect for those individuals in your midst. "